Clinical Affairs- Evaluation of Lidocaine Absorption from a Lidocaine Hydrogel
Lidocaine is an excellent agent to help control pain during the wound healing process but there are toxicity concerns. This study looked to evaluate the safety of a 2% lidocaine collagen hydrogel intended for use in pressure ulcers, first- and second-degree burns, and superficial wounds. The lidocaine hydrogel was placed onto intact and non-intact human skin surrogate pieces that were located in a well that contained plasma-like media. The wells were sampled numerous times for 26 hours. Based on the calculations, the lidocaine containing hydrogel did not significantly increase the risk for lidocaine toxicity. The results suggest that lidocaine hydrogel may be a preferable alternative to topical lidocaine.
Evaluation of Lidocaine Absorption from a Lidocaine Hydrogel
- Tags: Lidocaine Hydrogel