Clinical Affairs- Efficacy of a Type I Bovine Collagen Powder in the Wound Healing Process

Collagen is an important component of wound healing, as it promotes healing through the attraction of fibroblasts and granulation tissue formation. This study looked to evaluate the efficacy of a Bovine Type I Collagen Powder intended for use in wound healing. Gottingen minipigs were randomized into 2 groups, with 1 receiving the standard wound dressing and the other, the experimental group, receiving 85 mg of a Bovine Type I Collagen Powder. The wounds were evaluated at days 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 with wound dressings occurring on days 3, 7, and 14. Greater reductions in erythema, edema, and wound size were seen in the experimental group, which suggests that collagen powder may assist in wound healing more effectively than the standard dressing.

Evaluation of Lidocaine Absorption from a Lidocaine Hydrogel